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Items filtered by date: February 2019

Wednesday, 13 March 2019 12:48

Finding the Balance

Trying to find the balance in all you do can be challenging to say the least. In the life of a mom, it doesn’t matter if you work out of the home, from the home or the laughable description of ‘not at all.’ Finding your balance is the key. Before we can find our balance, we have to find the things that we are holding. Identify them, and prioritize each of them. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2019 13:17

News Letter

love to connectHello friends, I am adding a news-letter option for the Kooshlie Care Family. Please subscribe! My personal goals will be to send out a monthly email. I will not spam your inbox- but it will be a more intimate look into what is going on with me and my business. I would love to have you in my contact.

Sunday, 03 March 2019 10:57

Surviving Daylight Saving Time

‘Springing forward’ is (in my opinion) way harder to adjust to then ‘falling back’ when DST ends in the fall.

Daylight Saving Time begins again this Sunday, March 10th. For many parents with children whom need a strict schedule it can be awful. I would suggest over the next week, start keeping your little ones up a little longer each night, until you have reached Saturday when you officially turn the clocks forward by 60 Minutes.