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Items filtered by date: July 2022

Friday, 05 August 2022 15:34

The blessing of working from Home

Working from home, Blessing, or curse?

I realized the other day that as of August first 2022 I have been a fully work from home self employed Mama. It has been so wonderful in so many ways for me, but also SO challenging. I adore my kids, but it is very hard to actually work and manage kids as well as balance the household.  There is SO MUCH TO DO. I have the utmost respect for you all out there doing this. 

For anyone that knows me personally, organization is not my middle name... my middle name is more like chaos. Get me focused on a goal I am pretty good at staying on task and getting it done... But if you need me to keep up with multiple avenues of focus, I fail pretty hard. The edges of each focus kind of go 'blurry.' Meaning I get it done, but maybe not up to my potential. 


A current trend in the way today’s clients gather information on pregnancy, labor, and birth through social media. Their reliance for information regarding what they will ultimately choose or feel about their relationship with their care provider, and the place that they will give birth. When we are solely relying on social media, and opinions of others we hold their hurt, trauma and disappointment as part of our story. Over the last few years I have watched this become more and more a defeating cycle. When you go looking for hurt, you will feel it.