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Four Must Haves for Bringing Baby Home.

bringing baby homeMost parents don’t think about the daunting task of bringing their new baby home. Here are a few thoughts on the must haves prior your little ones arrival.

1. Carseat, with the base safely installed in the car. Be careful about the purchase of the car seat, not all are created equal. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg, however you should read reviews before purchasing the lowest price.

2. Is there food at home? Even if you have a food train set up you may or may not have all three meals each day, and you may want to eat something other than casserole for your afternoon snack. Consider both you and your partner and make sure you have a few of your favorites tucked away.


3. Audio books, or a list of podcasts that you have been wanting to catch up on. Don’t count on having your hands free enough to hold and read a book. But having some alternatives to the T.V. can be a good break for your eyes.

4. Signs for the door. There is nothing more frustrating to a new mom or dad than a doorbell going off right as the baby has finally slipped into dreamland.

Do you have any other ideas? Please share them in the comments section!
