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What About Induction

What About Induction


The topic of induction can be a touchy one. Maybe your Doctor is recommending it because they are not comfortable letting you go past 41 weeks. Maybe you have a medical condition that is making it a necessary ‘evil.’ Maybe you have had contractions that are wearing you out that don’t seem to be making changes. What happens if you find yourself considering or needing an induction? How can your doula help you?

A doula can look at the whole picture, not just from the clinical side. Unlike your doctors, your midwives and your nurses are looking at your situation from a clinical stand point. They have you and your baby's safety in mind. You and your partner are looking at is from a very emotional and personal stand point, you are concerned about your baby, you are tired and maybe in pain. You are scared of how long the induction will take. (You’ve heard it can take days). A Doula is going to look at the sum of all parts. What can we find out from your medical team about where your baby is. Once we know this there are things we can do that will help get them in a better position for birth. Your doula can help you with the distraction element needed to get into labor mode.

What is the end game

Looking towards the end of this journey, we want a healthy mom, and a healthy baby. What tools can be brought in to achieve both? If mom and dad are worn out, scarred, and overwhelmed how are they going to transition into parenthood? If the baby is processing the medical implications of a long labor, or long term use of epidural analgesia, they can be sluggish and struggle with initial breastfeeding. So, what is the win win?

We have the tools

As a doula I am experienced in using rebozo techniques to assist with labor progression. Massage to assist with labor pains. As well as a wealth of knowledge to empower you as I lean in with empathetic listening. Empathetic listening is a skill that is beyond the general active listening (repeat back what you heard). It is listening to understand where you are, and what your needs are; with this I can best guide you to what the options are to you.

Doulas make the difference

Don’t be afraid to lean into the doula you have invited onto your birth journey. She is there by choice, and genuinely cares and wants to offer support- even through the long haul. Check out what I can do for you as your doula.

*Photo credit to Destinee Blau Photography.

