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What Community Means to Me

How I Define Community

To me, community includes a variety of people who generally do life together.  They live near one another, work together, and gather together.  Community can be as small as the people in your personal circle or as vast as anyone you encounter.  To take it even further, what makes a community strong and genuine is when we build up and support each other no matter individual beliefs, backgrounds, faiths, or family dynamics. Surrounding yourself with only like-minded people can put you in an echo chamber that limits your ability to grow and learn as a person. A genuine community does not exile those with different values or ways of thinking or living, but rather embraces how they work together for the betterment of everyone.  


The Individual - Me

I should start by sharing more about who I am as a person before I can share what that looks like in a community and how it affects the people within that community.  First and foremost, I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. He defines me as a child of God and continues to refine me as I live a life walking with Him daily in relationship and pursuit of His will for my life.  

I am also a huge fan of comic relief and love to find joy and laughter in each day. One thing that I strive for in all aspects of my life is peace. So I always look for ways to create comfort and foster peace for the people around me, usually through laughter and humor. 

I am also one of eight children, which has truly influenced how I interact and support the people around me. This has taught me to be flexible in many situations, it has also taught me to see things from different perspectives.

Designed for Community

We need community because we are designed for it. Engaging in community  is necessary to reach our full potential in life. Other people bring different perspectives to the table that broaden our view of the world and the tools that we have to work within it. We have all heard the saying “it takes a village.” How many times in life have you learned a skill from a friend, mother, or someone from work? How often do you scroll through social media and see a go fund me or a meal train set up by friends to support their loved ones through a big life change? I challenge you to click on those links and see how many of those supporters are strangers in the community who want to do good for a fellow human. 

Grace in Community

A solid community is one that can allow for mistakes and the grace to learn from them. When we are all working together and bringing our different perspectives to the table, there will likely be opposing views and thought processes. That’s when grace steps in, helping us become more open with ourselves and each other to learn more, reinforcing us to understand that we each see things from a different perspective. ‘New’ doesn’t mean it is wrong, but neither does ‘old.’ What are you bringing to your community, what has your community given to you? 

Doula Dynamic

So how does a doula fit into the community? As a doula, I take this perspective with me when I interview and meet with clients. In full transparency, I am not the doula for everyone, and that is amazing. (What a weight to carry if I was!) But the community in which I live allows me to have resources to refer to when I am not the doula for someone. In turn, support from the people around me in my community does open opportunities for the ‘perfect client’ for me, just as I hope to refer the perfect client to someone else. I have connected with people through faith, friendship, Star Wars, Pun Humor and Bo-jangles - you just never know what will attract you to the doula you are looking for! But when you dig deep, you’ll find it has much more to do with a personality connection than it does with skill level alone. 

What’s the Lesson

If you work with someone who is different from you on several levels, but you still feel like they are the one you want to work with, have the grace to allow for a learning curve on both your parts. It is a two way street when building relationships, which will contribute to the development of a great community for both you and that other person!

You also have to be willing to put yourself out there and take that step of faith, that risk that it might be awkward or uncomfortable. 

Community Building Opportunities

Mommy Pump and Dump, Social Squares, Daddy Debrief, Church, a game night (Stay tuned for this oportunity). If you are looking for a community and struggling, you might want to consider starting one yourself, or try one of these groups to find some connection. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the community options we have here, or if you would like to chat about ways to build your community.
