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I am going to share a story with you about a situation that I ‘suffered’ through for OVER a year. 

In my classes you will hear me talk about using your *B.R.A.I.N.S for making informed choices when it comes to birth and parenting your children, the “S” is something that I have added over the years. It stands for Second Opinion, and it is super important.

You will need to make sure that you've settled on an official name for the birth certificate. If you change your mind after it is filed, you will have to apply for a legal name change in court.

 Picking a name for your child is serious business, it can really impact their experience in school. Preparing for the Birth Certificate

I have seen a lot of names over the years, and I know all of the parents that I work with think through all of these things when choosing a name. For me the biggest personal struggle was picking the middle name. My son’s first name starts with a B, and our last name starts with a G… so his initials could spell a lot of things. I lost out to tradition, and we used his grandfathers name as his middle name… So his initials spell BEG. I wasn’t pleased, but I think less people are worried about it like I was.  

Another thing that I have seen difficult to manage in the moment of sleep deprivation and filling out official documents is the spelling of the name. It is so easy to flip or add a letter, especially if you have a slightly unique way of spelling the name. I highly recommend having it printed on a card beforehand just to help out in case you are exceptionally tired when filling out the form.

Daylight saving time can wreck your day, if you let it.

 This weekend we are 'gaining' an hour back into our day time... But, only sort of. I am personally not a huge fan of this system that we have had in place for the past 80+ years. However, if you start little by little you can help you and your kiddos adjust to the new time system.  Give yourself some grace, gradually adjust your bed time back. The falling back will have your kids over tired if you wait to put them to bed at their 'normal time' since it will be an hour longer than their rhythm is use to. Start today and move your clock back 15 minutes, do it again tomorrow, Friday, and the final time on Saturday for the full hour and it will help you and your kids gradually step into the new timeframe.

This year our fall festival was such a success! On the hill we had a bounce house, face painting, games, and general fun. 

I want to send out a huge thank you to all who showed up and helped me get everything together in spite of a busy baby week leading up to the festival. The team here at Kooshlie Care is invaluable. I have said it over the years that I lean heavily on my family to get everything done, and with the addition of Kimberly and Barbara, I truly feel like my family base has expanded so much.

 We were able to see new faces, families who took my classes, as well as get some baby snuggles in with our doula babies. ( A HUGE job perk IMO).
